Seth still sounds pretty good! He had a little wheezing last night, but some alb.uterol took that right away. His congestion is WAY better. He hasn't sounded this good in months, seriously! I'm thrilled. Celia still has a cold, and is taking her allergy meds well. She said this morning that she had a headache, but went to school, and barely noticed when I left. So much easier than the little girl who used to cry and cling to me whenever I left. Much easier.
Last night, Celia hit 10 days in a row of being dry. I have no idea how it happened, but she suddenly decided it was time to stop having accidents. Of course, it's as we're going through the process of having her tested for things, and she has a flow test in 2 weeks to see what's going on. She apparently doesn't empty her bladder completely when she goes. At any rate, she's doing much better! And to celebrate, we went out for dinner to the restaurant of her choice- Greene Turtle. I am just SO proud of her!!
I'm really looking forward to the weekend! I have a bunch of friends from my knitting groups coming over to learn how to dye yarn. Some of them have done it before, others haven't, so I expect it will be a blast! We're going to set up outside and just have a full day of dyeing, snacking, drinking wine, and just having fun! I can't wait!!
I'm also really excited that I finally broke down and joined a CSA! I'll be splitting the share with one of my knitting friends, and it's going to be awesome. Can't wait to have a full summer of fresh veggies and fruits. It's going to be amazing! I'm also looking forward to trying some new veggies that I haven't really used before. Just awesome.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Posted by
11:00 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
We met with the allergist yesterday, and all I can say is that she is FANTASTIC!! I love her. AND, she sees adults too. So I can see her and get myself squared away too.
Anyway, she was great. She spent about 45 minutes with us, and went over everything. I have to say I'm so lucky to have the doctors that we have for Seth- they all actually care, and are willing to spend extra time with us. We went over his whole history, his symptoms, his asthma episodes, and the like. She definitely wants to do major allergy testing on him (next week, after he has been off his zyr.tec for a week), but she also wants to do an immune workup on him. Lots of bloodwork, to make sure we're not missing anything. And if the skin test comes out inconclusive, we can just do blood tests at the same time. Nice. We also had a follow-up with Dr R (the pulmonologist) today, and he was definitely happy to hear that we're getting the immune workup done. We'll see what it says. And he's hopeful that after spring, we'll be able to back off his meds a little. I'm not optimistic, but he is. Nice to think about the possibility of this getting better. He also wants us using the Naso.nex daily, as well as the Zyrte.c (after the allergy testing). Anything to help is a good thing. We're off to a good start this week with him too- his breathing was crystal clear!!
Though Celia is another story. She had a little bit of a temp yesterday, and cold symptoms. I kept her home and had her rest all day (with the exception of going to Seth's appt with us), and got some work done. She was fine today, but tonight I noticed she is warm again. Took her temp and it was 100.1. I'm curious to see what it is at in the morning. Bah.
Posted by
8:24 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
got milk?
The end of last week, I took Celia in to see Dr. D because her allergies have been acting up for a month, and I'm not sure what to do with it. So we've got her started on Clar.itin and will see if it helps. If not, we go to, and if not, I call him back and we try all.egra. Fun times. The next morning, Seth woke up congested still, and sounding lousy, so I took him in to see Dr. D. Two days in a row, at around the same time, I found it funny. Anyway, we chatted, he listened to Seth, looked him over, and he thought for a bit. We switched him back to Augm.entin for 3 weeks, since his sinus infection didn't seem to really be clearing well. Then he brings up another thing, which I was totally afraid of hearing- a possible milk allergy. He suggested I take him to an allergist to have some testing done, and see what comes up. But said to stop giving him any milk protein at all from now on and see if it makes a difference. I figured it would take a bit to get in to see the allergist, but when I called this morning, they said they had a cancellation at 2:30, so we get to go today. Of course, Celia has to go with us, because she's home sick with a cold.
Let me tell you how hard it is to avoid milk! No milk (well duh), cheese, yogurt, anything with milk in it (bread, muffins, pancakes, etc), and lots of things I"m sure I haven't thought of yet. Of course, I made pancakes yesterday, and added milk and butter without thinking about it. And the corn we had for our pre-easter dinner had butter in the sauce. So he didn't get to have any. He was NOT amused.
At least Easter was lovely. We met up with a friend of mine from Grad school who came to town for a vacation with her husband and daughter. It was so much fun to see her, and her daughter C and Celia are the same age, so they had a blast! We hit the Zoo, and saw the Pandas, lions, tigers, and lots of other animals. It was so much fun!
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10:12 AM
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cherry blossoms
This weekend, we spent a lot of time outside! The weather was lovely, warm, breezy, and sunny. And, our beautiful cherry tree was in bloom- each day getting a few more blossoms to pop out. So I took advantage of the situation, and took TONS of pictures of it. I got to play with my new camera a LOT, and got some amazing pics. Some I plan to blow up and put in our bathroom as art, and maybe put a few of them in Celia's room too.
We also took some time to work on our gardens. We bought the wood for the raised beds, and soil, and started working on them. Nathan also tilled all of the soil. The area where the raised bed is, was all grass before we got our hands on it this weekend. There is also another one to the left of the brick-bordered garden. The brick one is what we had last year, so we're really increasing our garden space. We also loaded them with soil, and planted some peas. The others will wait, as it's still too cool here at night to plant the tomatoes or other goodies. However I did make two window boxes for my kitchen window- one with lettuce, and the other with herbs I started.
Then a few great shots I got of the kids:
Can you tell how much I LOVE my new camera?!
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9:39 AM