June 27, 2003- got a BFP, and 9 months later, gave birth to a healthy little girl, Celia.
October, 2005- went on a cruise with DH and Celia, and started ttc our second child.
February 2006- saw my OB at my 6 month check-up, and since I got pregnant with Celia so easily, he decided it may be worth trying Clomid, since my cycles were irregular.
April 2006, I was 9 weeks into my first clomid cycle with no BFP and no CD1. I call my OB, and he sends me straight to SGFC for testing.
June 2006- my first RE appointment, decide to get tested and see what is going on.
August 2006- Diagnosed with PCOS. Decide to hold off on IUIs until Jan. 2007, when I can add a second insurance policy to help with cost. Hope that Metformin will help regulate me a bit.
January 2007- send insurance info to SGFC.
February 2007- get letter from insurance saying that they need a letter from my RE that justifies IUIs considering my husbands SA results. Confused, I call my nurse. We go in for a consult, and find out that we have MF, low count and poor morphology.
March 2007- DH sees urologist. No reason for the MF, so we decide to go ahead with IVF.
May 2007- start IVF#1, take 1. Cancelled due to cysts.
June 2007- IVF#1, take 2. 10 eggs, 3 mature, 5 fertilized, 3 blasts. 2 blasts transferred.
July 2007- BFP!!! Ultrasound shows 2 sacs. One sac reabsorbs, one remains.